Mister English

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

Verbo There To Be (Past tense)

O verbo There To Be no (past tense) é conjugado da seguinte forma:
I was
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were

Forma negativa:
Para se fazer a forma negativa do verbo there To be basta colocar o "There"+verbo To Be no passado+ predicado.
Ex: There was only one car in my house.
Exemplo2: There were many people in the twin towers.

quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Verbo There To Be (simple present)

O verbo There To Be significa (haver; existir), podendo ser utilizado no singular ou plural.
 No singular: There is; significado: Há/existe.
Exemplo: There is only car in my garage.
No plural: There are; significado: Há/existem
Exemplo: There are many stars in the sky.
Forma negativa:
Para que se faça a forma negativa basta se colocar o (not) após o verbo To Be.
Exemplo: There is not only car in my garage.
Forma contraída negativa
Exemplo: There isn't only car in my garage.
Exemplo2: There aren't many stars in the sky.
Forma interrogativa:
para se fazer a forma interrogativa do verbo There To be basta iniciar a frase com o verbo To Be no simple present.
Exemplo:Is there only car in my garage?
Exemplo 2: Are there many stars in the sky?

Verbo To Be (past Tense)

O verbo To Be no Past Tense é conjugado da seguinte forma:
I was
you were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
they were
1.0 - Forma negativa:
Para se fazer a forma negativa do verbo To Be no passsado simples basta se colocar o (not) logo após o verbo To Be no passado.
Ex: I was in my school yesterday. (forma afirmativa)
      I was not in my school yesterday. (forma negativa)
      I wasn't in my school yesterday. (forma negativa contraída)
2.0 - Forma interrogativa:
Para se fazer a forma interrogativa do verbo To Be no passado basta colocar o verbo no início da frase e continuar com a frase.
Ex:Steve Jobs was a great man.(afirmativa)
     Was Steve jobs a great man?(interrogativa)

segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

Cont. do verbo TO BE.
Forma negativa:
Para se fazer a forma negativa do verbo TO BE basta seguir a seguinte regra:
Sujeito+VERBO TO BE+NOT+predicado.
They are not good friends.
OBS: Podemos também ter a forma contraída na forma negativa
They aren't good friends.
Forma interrogativa:
Para se fazer a forma interrogativa basta começar a frase com o verbo TO BE e em seguida colocar o sujeito, sem esquecer do ponto de interrogação.
Are they very friends?

sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011

                                      VERBO TO BE ( SIMPLE PRESENT)
O verbo TO BE temcomo significado (Ser/Estar) acompanhe a conjugação deste verbo:

I AM                                          I'M
YOU ARE                                 YOU'RE
HE IS                                         HE'S
SHE IS                                      SHE'S
IT IS                                          IT'S
WE ARE                                   WE'RE
YOU ARE                                YOU'RE
THEY ARE                               THEY'RE